Posts in volunteer
Eileen Palmer, a Family Tradition

It all started at a Welles Park Advisory Council meeting about eleven years ago. Jeff and Julie Jenkins walked in with a video of Midnight Circus and an idea to help the park raise the money to redo our terribly run down play lot. The second I saw the video, I knew, if we built it, they would come. We had just organized our Easter Egg Extravaganza with pizza, an art project and Easter bunny raising $6,000. The community was ready.

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news, volunteerGuest User
Volunteer Spotlight: Anna Faford

For our first circus in 2011, Sam [the daughter of Jeff and Julie Jenkins] was too young to be in the circus and it has been amazing to watch her grow up and become a circus star. Even though we only see the Jenkins family once a year, they have had a profound effect on my family. After the circus tent comes down, my kids play circus for months afterwards. They sell tickets and stand on furniture to perform.

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news, volunteerGuest User